כנס הקיץ של החברה הישראלית לרפואת ילדים בקהילה
כנס הקיץ של החברה הישראלית לרפואת ילדים בקהילה
כנס הקיץ של החברה הישראלית לרפואת ילדים בקהילה

Home Page

Welcome to the home page of the Israel Ambulatory Pediatric Association (IAPA).The Israel Ambulatory Pediatric Association (full name in Hebrew: "The Israeli Society for Ambulatory and Community Pediatrics") is a scientific society of the Israel Medical Association (IMA), part of the Israeli Pediatric Association.The purpose of the Israel Ambulatory Pediatric Association is to promote pediatric primary care in Israel.

Position Papers and Policy Statements

IAPA, in conjunction with the Israeli Pediatric Association (IPA), produces position papers regarding the management of common health issues and diseases of children.


The IAPA organizes 2 conferences per year, with an emphasis on community pediatrics and collaborative efforts to promote community pediatric care in Israel. Conferences are held as a day conference in the Fall and a weekend in the Spring.


The IAPA also works to expand and improve the training of pediatric residents in community-based pediatrics, emphasizing preventive care, developmental pediatrics and the management of chronic disease in children.

Research Network

The IAPA, in conjunction with IPROS –  the Israel Pediatric Research in the Office Setting Network, works to promote research regarding children and their health care in the community. IPROS is a network of pediatricians throughout Israel who collaborate for research locally and internationally.

International Collaboration

The IAPA works with corresponding pediatric organizations internationally towards shared goals of promoting the health of children world-wide. As such, we are proud members of the European Confederation of Primary Care Pediatricians (ECPCP).



The IAPA publishes a local magazine, Peditone, which explores practical aspects of community pediatrics with emphasis on local pediatric health issues. It includes reviews of recent literature, policy statements of the organization, practical tips for clinicians, clinical tools and CME articles. It is primarily published in Hebrew, though some articles are offered in English.

Guidelines and policy statements

Following are recent guidelines and policy statements in English by the IAPA, IPA or other colleagues. (Most guidelines and policy statements are published in Hebrew language are found on the Hebrew website.)

Join us

We welcome Israeli pediatricians to join our organization and we welcome our international colleagues to collaborative efforts. Please feel free to contact Dr Shimon Barak (President IAPA, delegate ECPCP) shimon.harofe@gmail.com, or Dr Stephen Reingold sreingold@gmail.com.

Meet us

Learn more

Follow these links to articles about pediatric medicine in Israel:

International workshop on the future of community child healthcare

Preventive health services for young children in Israel: historical development and current challenges

Health and health care in Israel: an introduction

The medical education system in Israel

Maternal and child health in Israel: building lives

Israel: a start-up life science nation

נותנות החסות לאיגוד:

גלילה לראש העמוד

החברה הישראלית לרפואת ילדים בקהילה (חיפ״א)

באתר זה תוכלו למצוא מידע רב אשר חלקו זמין לחברי חברה רשומים

תהליך ההרשמה מתבצע באמצעות טופס מתאים באתר

הכניסה לאתר מותרת אך ורק לרופאים/ות בעלי רישיון לעסוק ברפואה בישראל
ו/או בעלי רישיון לעסוק ברוקחות ו/או אדם הנמנה על צוות רפואי או מחקר ביו-רפואי.